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    One proposal is to support Anies Baswedan in the next election in November 2024. “Regarding our partners at PDIP, we are very receptive to working with PDIP and all parties, not just in DKI, but in various regions as well,” said Johan Daniel in Jakarta on Saturday. On this occasion, PKB, along with the former Jakarta governor, already holds the same vision and goals for the Jakarta Pilkada. Therefore, it’s just a matter of time before the party led by Iskandar Muhaimin, publicly backs Baswedan. “Baswedan has already stated that with PKB, there’s no need for words; we’ve already worked together. So, the official statement is just a minor technicality. The important thing is we are aligned in our vision. Now, we just wait for the surprise announcement,” said Daniel. “As for the running mate, that’s up to the Pilkada team to decide, working on everything to a team, including the deputy. We look forward to the Pilkada desk’s announcement,” he ended.

    “Mr. Ahok and Mr. Djarot are being urged to run in North Sumatra. This is interesting because North Sumatra needs significant changes,” said Eriko at the PDIP DPP Office, Central Jakarta, as quoted on Friday (17/5/2024).

    Besides Ahok, Rapidin mentioned several other names have registered with PDIP to run for the North Sumatra gubernatorial election. These include incumbent Edy Rahmayadi and Musa Rajekshah, also known as Ijeck.

    “Lumajang is included to this Pilkada because of a significant event in the past,” said Inspector General Imam at the East Java Police Headquarters on Friday (21/6/2024). Therefore, according to Sugianto, there will be changes in the safeguarding measures between the Pilkada and the last election. This will be adjusted to the characteristics of each region. “The security patterns will certainly differ; we are currently assessing the potential vulnerability index (IPKP) of each region,” said Irjen Imam. “God willing, in the months of August or September, after the candidate determination, we will be able to map the security patterns in each region,” added Irjen Imam.

    According to Dody, the document review is being conducted together with the Jakarta Provincial Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu). He said that only the candidate pair Dharma Pongrekun and Kun Wardana Abyoto submitted support documents through the candidate information system (Silon) and physical documents in the form of citizen support. “They submitted digital files via the Silon application and physical documents in 29 containers, so we are still in the process of reviewing these documents with the Provincial Bawaslu,” he stated. “We are currently counting to determine if the support meets the minimum requirements. If it does, we will issue a receipt. If not, we will issue a return notice,” he concluded.

    Recount in Surabaya “We have prepared a storage facility and stationed security personnel. From our arrangement with the KPUD and Bawaslu, we have arranged for three locks, each held by Bawaslu, KPUD, and the police force,” he said. “Thus, we ensure that the ballot boxes are safe and that the voting recount will proceed without issues,” he concluded. Meanwhile, KPU Chief for East Java A. Kunaifi emphasized that the city of Surabaya was selected for the voting recount, considering several aspects. “Namely, considering security factors and other elements such as the process of replacing the KPU leadership,” said Kunaifi.

    “As the Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party, I am providing a recommendation letter to show our support for the candidate pair, Mr. Ahmad Ali and Mr. Abdul Karim Aljufri, as governor and deputy governor candidates for Central Sulawesi for 2024-2029,” stated PSI Chairman Kaesang Pangarep at the PSI Central Executive Board, Central Jakarta, Friday (June 7, 2024).

    “Ahmad Ali 30.8%, Anwar Hafid 19%, Rusdy Mastura 8.2%, Ma’mun Amir 5.5%, Irwan Lapatta 3.6%, Hidayat Lamakarate 3.5%. Undecided or didn’t respond 29.4%,” stated Indikator Politik Indonesia, Monday (June 24, 2024).

    In addition to charting the sensitive regions for the 2024 simultaneous Pilkada, the East Java Police are also dedicated to safeguarding the recount in two regions, Jember as well as Pamekasan, for the DPR RI and DPRD Kabupaten elections to be held in the city of Surabaya on 23rd June 2024. The ballot boxes for the recount are currently well protected at the Mapolda Jatim. The Regional General Election Commission (KPUD) specifically entrusted the electoral materials because, in accordance with the MK ruling, the police were designated to provide security.

    Dody stated that they are only counting the number of requirements submitted by Dharma Pongrekun and Kun Wardana Abyoto to determine if they meet the requirements for running as independent candidates in the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election. The document review process is targeted to be completed on Monday (13/5/2024). In total, one truckload of physical support documents was submitted by Dharma Pongrekun and Kun Wardana Abyoto. “We have invited colleagues from the district/city KPU to help, and we hope to complete the process soon, as the physical documents are quite substantial, requiring one truck for transport,” Dody clarified.

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