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    Previously, Bambang Pacul revealed that his party is still finalizing the nominations for the 2024 Central Java Pilgub. Pacul emphasized that PDIP is open to any prominent figures, including Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi. “It is still in discussion and under survey, and we will report the decision to the central committee,” Bambang Pacul said in response to whether the Central Java PDIP has shortlisted Ahmad Luthfi’s name at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on June 20, 2024. Pacul mentioned that the names of prominent figures emerging from various survey results will be proposed to the PDIP Central Executive Board (DPP). He left the decision on the Central Java Pilkada nominations to PDIP Chairwoman Megawati Soekarnoputri. “The decision is at the central level, but we will submit the data and survey results,” Pacul said in response to questions about Ahmad Luthfi being considered by PDIP in Central Java. “The final decision in Central Java is in the hands of the Chairwoman. If PDIP doesn’t nominate, it’s impossible. We will definitely nominate someone. Which one, we don’t know yet,” he stated.

    Kaka Suminta emphasized that to prevent any allegations of lobbying by prospective regent and deputy regent pairs regarding administrative verification, the central KPU must step in. “There must be oversight from the central KPU,” said Kaka. He added that to avert any clandestine attempts at committing fraud during administrative verification, the central KPU should enforce strict oversight. “If pairs do not pass administrative verification, they should not be given any leeway that could damage democracy,” he said.

    Meanwhile, Sohibul Iman, according to Syaikhu, is a scholar. He stated that Sohibul also has an impressive track record in government. “Mr. Sohibul Iman is a technocrat, also a scholar who was once the rector of Paramadina University. He has experience in the legislature as Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) for the 2013-2014 period and was once the president of PKS for the 2015-2020 period,” stated Syaikhu. Syaikhu mentioned that PKS is a cadre party that has a mandate to carry out political cadre regeneration and leadership regeneration. Therefore, he said, in this simultaneous Pilkada 2024, the party will nominate its cadre to run as a regional head candidate. “Especially in the base areas where PKS is the winning party or has a majority of DPRD seats. PKS will strive to nominate its own cadre as a candidate,” stated Syaikhu.

    Track Record Muhammad Fuady elaborated that Eman’s history in the Majalengka administrative system has indeed been proven. He pointed out one of Eman’s initiatives was launching the Decent Housing Program (Rutilahu) in collaboration with Majalengka’s Scout Organization and Baznas. “Not only that, Eman Suherman also focuses significantly to the youth of Majalengka. His focus on the youth is channeled through concrete measures such as the renewal of the Warung Jambu Stadium, the highlight of Majalengka residents,” explained Fuady. Therefore, M. E. Fuady believes that Eman Suherman is the cabup who grasps the conditions of the Majalengka community the best. Moreover, he said, Suherman, who is also a native son of the region, is the most desired cabup in the 2024 Majalengka Pilkada. “They are also usually native residents and know exactly how to communicate with the electorate in their respective regions or the community in their areas,” noted Fuady.

    **Reason PKS Nominates Anies Baswedan-Sohibul Iman in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada** The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) officially endorsed Anies Baswedan-Sohibul Iman as the governor (cagub) and deputy governor (cawagub) candidates in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu explained the reason for endorsing Anies and Sohibul Iman for the Jakarta gubernatorial election in 2024. Anies Baswedan is considered a figure of a leader who has performed well while leading Jakarta. According to Syaikhu, Anies’ performance has made the people of Jakarta happy. “Mr. Anies Rasyid Baswedan successfully became the governor for the 2017-2022 period with various achievements in various sectors of development, successfully advancing the city and making its residents happy,” stated Syaikhu at the Party Leadership School opening ceremony at the Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday.

    Budiman, a political observer from Mulawarman University (Unmul), stated that candidates running in the East Kalimantan Regional Election must be transparent. “Prospective regents in the East Kalimantan Regional Election must be transparent and free from money politics,” he said.

    PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu mentioned that the Chairman of the Nasdem Party, Surya Paloh, If you beloved this article and you also would like to collect more info about Advanced crime-solving technology i implore you to visit our own site. gave a positive signal towards this pair. “I continue to build political communication with the NasDem Party, specifically I made a point to visit Mr. Surya Paloh, and alhamdulillah, I was warmly received and got a positive signal to build cooperation in the Jakarta Pilkada,” said Syaikhu at the Sahid Hotel, Jakarta, on Tuesday.

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