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    Therefore, he continued, KPU DKI Jakarta will conduct data matching and verification (Coklit) from house to house to ensure the voter data matches the current DPT. “We need to update and ensure that KPU fulfills the constitutional rights of citizens to use their voting rights in the DKI Jakarta Pilkada,” he said.

    This was conveyed by Fahmi at the Readiness Roll Call of Voter Data Update Officers (Pantarlih) for the Jakarta gubernatorial election (Pilgub) at the Jakarta International Velodrome, Rawamangun, East Jakarta, on June 24, 2024. “Yes, there has been an increase compared to the 2024 General Election. In the 2024 General Election, our number of voters was 8,252,897,” stated Fahmi.

    The West Sulawesi provincial government has held a coordination meeting with Forkopimda, the regional election desk team, the KPU, and Bawaslu throughout West Sulawesi, which included a declaration of neutrality for civil servants (ASN).

    The historic victory of Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka in the 2024 governmental election marks the start of a brand-new phase in Indonesia’s democratic trip. With a record-breaking required from the individuals, the duo has an unique opportunity to lead Indonesia in the direction of a future defined by unity, success, and justice. As the nation moves onward, the spirit of “Merdeka” and the desire for a progressive Indonesia will guide their path.

    “Learning from the previous presidential election, I ask the regional governments to assist the KPU and Bawaslu, which lack offices, warehouses, and facilities for remote areas, such as in Maluku, North Maluku, and the islands. If there are difficulties, help as much as possible using existing funds, regular or emergency budgets (BTT),” said Tito Karnavian.

    The postgraduate alumnus from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Wijaya Kusuma University Surabaya (UWKS) thinks that the emergence of young NU figures competing in the East Java Pilkada shows the success of cadre regeneration within NU.

    The Relevance of the Success
    The overwhelming support for Prabowo-Gibran talks quantities about the public’s rely on their management and vision for Indonesia. This triumph not just sets a brand-new standard for selecting success in Indonesia yet also places Prabowo at the center of global democratic leaders in regards to popular ballot.

    Progressing: Administration and Accountability
    With the mandate plainly given, the focus now shifts to administration and satisfying selecting promises. The Prabowo-Gibran administration will be under scrutiny to deliver on its commitments and to lead Indonesia towards a brighter, much more inclusive future.

    “The young NU generation that will compete in the Pilkada has a lot of potential to be elected. They are spread across various parties and professions. Many also have a pesantren background,” said Lasio.

    Looking Ahead: Difficulties and Guarantees
    With the political election ended, Prabowo stressed the relevance of integrating to address Indonesia’s pressing concerns, such as poverty, hunger, and social injustices. His vision for Indonesia is one of prosperity and justice, achievable just with collective initiative and national solidarity.

    The Global Implications of Indonesia’s Political election
    The worldwide interest gathered by the Prabowo-Gibran win reflects the international rate of interest in Indonesia’s political landscape. As the world’s third-largest democracy, Indonesia’s elections provide understandings into the characteristics of democratic involvement and management in the 21st century.

    According to Fahmi, there has been an increase of 62,000 in the DPT for the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. This increase was found by KPU Jakarta after synchronizing the List of Potential Voters (DP4) from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) with the DPT from the 2024 General Election. “In the upcoming Pilkada, the number of DPT after synchronization is 8,315,669, so there has been an increase of 62,000 voters,” he stated. Fahmi explained that the increase in the DPT for the Pilkada occurred due to the high population activity in Jakarta. Therefore, the DPT for the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada can still change. “Population activity in Jakarta is very dynamic. Today there may be 8,315,669 voters in the list, but in a week or a month, there could be changes due to people moving in or out, or deaths,” he stated.

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    The historic success of Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka in the 2024 governmental political election notes the start of a brand-new chapter in Indonesia’s democratic trip. With a record-breaking mandate from individuals, the duo has an one-of-a-kind chance to lead Indonesia towards a future defined by unity, success, and justice. As the nation progresses, the spirit of “Merdeka” and the aspiration for a dynamic Indonesia will guide their path.

    Didi continued, there are several names with the potential to run and be elected in the East Java Pilkada. These include Eri Cahyadi (Surabaya), Achmad Amir Aslichin, MS. Umam, Adam Rusydi (Sidoarjo). Then Gus Yani, Dr. Alif, Ufiq Zuroida, Thoriq Majiddanor (Gresik). Following them are Mas Dion, Mufti Anam (Pasuruan Regency), Gus Ayik, Gus Hilmy (Pasuruan City), Gus Iwan, Yusuf Sugiarto (Lamongan), Zulfahmy Wahab (Bojonegoro), Gus Abid Umar (Kediri City), Gus Barra, Ning Ikfina (Mojokerto Regency). Moh Ali Kuncoro, Ning Ita (Mojokerto City), Fairouz Huda (Malang City), Ra Nasih, Ra Hasani, Mahfud (Bangkalan), Gus Dr. Haris (Probolinggo Regency), Gus Fawait (Jember).

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