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    However, Syaikhu admitted that there has been no formal communication with PDIP leaders regarding the Jakarta Regional Election so far. “I haven’t formally communicated with PDIP yet,” explained Syaikhu.

    n”They (Anies and Prabowo) are both national figures. There is nothing wrong with starting communication. It is good. The more meetings between figures, the better,” said Habiburokhman at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, quoted Friday (June 21, 2024)

    Previously, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) officially endorsed Anies Baswedan and Sohibul Iman as prospective governor (cagub) and deputy governor (cawagub) candidates for the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election.

    nAccording to Eko, the final decision regarding the names to be nominated as gubernatorial candidates will emerge at the last minute before the registration of regional head candidates in August . “Zita could pair with Kaesang, with Anies maybe, could also be with Sohibul Iman, so it’s still very fluid,” he said . According to him, the Jakarta PAN Regional Leadership Council (DPW PAN) has engaged with various parties to decide which candidate to support. He also ensured that the support would be given to a candidate who is suitable for the community, not just the party . “Everyone is being communicated with, everyone, yes, talking to each other, and later we will see which one is most suitable,” he added

    He mentioned that such suggestions are completely acceptable. “Yes, all sorts of pairings are fine,” said the man commonly known as Zulhas at the Jakarta Presidential Palace Complex, Tuesday (June 25, 2024)

    “We meet with everyone. So, we are very pleased to have discussions with everyone, to exchange thoughts with everyone,” said Anies, quoted by Antara, Friday (June 21, 2024). If you loved this short article and you would want to receive details concerning Doctor trust building generously visit our web-site. [Read More](5624160 5624208 5623387

    “The agreement between Mr. Airlangga (Golkar Chairman) and the other political party leaders is to wait until the end of July or early August,” said Doli at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (June 20, 2024)

    nPreviously, Jakarta PAN Regional Chairman Eko Hendro Purnomo, also known as Eko Patrio, said that his party would prioritize supporting the gubernatorial candidate backed by the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) in the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election . According to him, Jakarta residents currently have a variety of candidate names for Jakarta, including Sohibul Iman, Ridwan Kamil, and Anies Baswedan. Therefore, he is still waiting for direction from KIM regarding which name will be supported

    The aim is to mislead voters and ultimately create division within the community. In the near future, society will be conducting the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections (Pilkada). Much like the general elections, the Pilkada is also a target for hoax distribution. Reported by Fact Check Hub, here are several tips to avoid political hoaxes, especially for voters in the 2024 Pilkada.

    nHowever, he admitted that Ridwan Kamil’s electability has dropped as a candidate for Jakarta governor (cagub) in 2024, following the emergence of Anies Baswedan and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, also known as Ahok

    According to Huda, PKS’s decision to immediately pair Anies Baswedan and Sohibul Iman is a blunder. “The problem is that pairing Mas Anies and Mas Sohibul Iman immediately is, in my view, a blunder,” he said. Huda noted that pairing Anies Baswedan with Sohibul Iman closes the door for other political parties to join the coalition. “This will close the door for other parties to collaborate with this coalition,” he said.

    nFor your information, news of Kaesang running in the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election is not new . Previously, Kaesang was often paired with Gerindra cadre Budi Djiwandono. However, that news subsided and was not heard again. Recently, Kaesang was rumored to be paired with Anies Baswedan by the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM). However, this was denied by Gerindra

    nHe is open to discussions and proposals regarding the candidates for governor and deputy governor to be nominated for the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election . For now, PAN is endorsing former West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil to run in the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election . “Well, as long as it is a discourse, it is fine. It’s just a proposal,” said Zulkifli Hasan

    n”Whether in the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) or in PKS, PDIP, no one has made a fixed decision. Is Anies confirmed to run? No, he is not. Has PKS confirmed to nominate Anies? No, they haven’t. Has PKB confirmed to support Mr. Anies? No, they haven’t,” said Habiburokhman at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (June 20, 2024)

    Additionally, Syaikhu stated that the party also considered feedback from various figures, scholars, religious leaders, cross-religious leaders, intellectuals, and the public in Jakarta. “The main considerations are candidates with good leadership experience in both executive and legislative positions, clear track records, credibility, and capacity, as well as a high probability of winning,” he said.

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