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    This decision is inspired by his commitment to present a different choice, presenting a unique vision and expertise to the people of Banten, beyond the long-standing ruling dynasty in the region. Wismansyah’s tenure in Tangerang has been acknowledged for advancement in city management and comprehensive infrastructure improvements, creating a firm groundwork to advance the province of Banten. In this context, he is committed to championing social fairness, sustainable development, and fair development throughout Banten. Arief expressed his preparedness to face the challenges of the Banten election with a vision centered on positive transformation and progress for all segments of society. He shared that his decision to run was initially unexpected, but the motivation from the community and his family made him think again. He mentioned that a meeting with Ma’ruf Amin, the Vice President significantly influenced his decision to run. “I was called by Mr. Ma’ruf Amin, and we had a meeting. He inquired, are you really running, Mr. Arief? If you want to run, you have to win; if you’re not sure you can win, don’t run, he said. I thought he was right. Ultimately, on Monday afternoon, I decided to run,” Arief said when met in the Karawaci region of Tangerang City, Sunday. Arief also conveyed his views on the ruling political family in Banten, noting the polarization in the community related to this dominance. Nevertheless, he is confident about competing with famous candidates in the region. “I hope to collaborate with the people of Banten to develop jointly, including with the existing dynasties,” he added. Arief stressed his readiness to work with various parties for the development of Banten, without compromising the interests of the people. “Whatever the outcome, I hope the next leadership can provide the best for Banten,” he concluded. With this step, Arief Rachadiono Wismansyah invites the people of Banten to support a shared vision in progressing the region through the upcoming election.

    Hensat said that although old names have a chance to win again in the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election, history shows that it is not easy for previous leaders to regain power. “For example, Fauzi Bowo lost to Jokowi. Jokowi was replaced by Ahok, who was perceived as close to power but lost to Anies,” Hensat explained. Hensat believes that Jakarta residents are open to new names, hence the new figures also have a significant chance of winning the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election. “There are many former ministers like Sri Mulyani, Basuki, Risma, Andika, Sudirman Said, and other emerging names. The point is that Jakarta is open, so the chances are equal,” Hensat clarified. “Big parties do not necessarily guarantee a win. Jakarta voters are open to new people running for governor,” Hensat concluded.

    Executive Director of Aljabar Strategic, Arifki Chaniago, said that the possibility of independent candidates enlivening the Jakarta Regional Election is interesting. But if we talk about the chance of winning, it certainly requires hard work. “Looking back at the 2017 Jakarta Regional Election, Ahok initially ran as an independent but eventually went through a party. It’s difficult,” Arifki told Liputan6.com on Monday (13/5/2024). “Because political parties have stronger institutional power compared to independents. That’s why it is not easy for independent candidates to win the Jakarta 1 seat,” he added.

    Of the many Pilkada stages, Warits disclosed that all stages have vulnerable points for In case you liked this article along with you want to get guidance concerning Criminal identification software kindly check out the page. supervision. “The points are in many aspects, right now in the Voter List Update (Pantarlih) stage, later in the candidacy stage. Candidacy must also be supervised, as well as the campaign stage. Campaigns must not violate regulations and must especially avoid intimidation. There should be no intimidation from authorities or election officials who get involved. They must not force people to direct or win certain candidates. I think we must protect this together,” Warits explained.

    “Because in our country’s constitution, the preamble of the 1945 Constitution mandates that the sovereignty of the people is fundamental in the administration of our state. Achieving our national goals must place the sovereignty of the people as something fundamental,” stated Warits in Surabaya on June 25, 2024. Warits emphasized that through the 2024 Pilkada, the sovereignty of the people must be safeguarded together through participatory supervision in public spaces that need to be created. “Because elections are the voice of the people, they must be protected together. They must not be lost,” he added.

    The Chairman of DPD PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) West Java, Ono Surono, mentioned that no party in West Java can nominate a governor and deputy governor in the 2024 West Java Pilkada without forming political alliances

    Only one pair of independent candidates for governor and deputy governor of Jakarta submitted their support documents to the Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) by the deadline. This pair is Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana. The KPU DKI Jakarta officially closed the submission of support documents for prospective governor candidates on Sunday, May 12, 2024, at 11:59 PM WIB. “We announce that as of the deadline for submitting support documents for independent or individual candidates at 11:59 PM WIB, there is only one pair, namely Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana,” said KPU DKI member Astri Megatari in Jakarta, as reported by Antara.

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